Western Forest Complex
  An Untouched Wilderness in the Borderland of Thailand and Myanmar

ไทย English  česky 






 Protected areas
 Geography &

 Flora & fauna

 What to see & do


About the Project

The main goals of the project are to inform inhabitants of selected areas of Thailand about the importance and potential of the Western Forest Complex both for biodiversity conservation and ecotourism and to increase ecotourism in the Western Forest Complex. Environmental awareness and ecotourism campaigns and a plan of ecotourism in the Western Forest Complex are the main means to fulfill the project.

The project has been initiated and financed by the Government of the Czech Republic (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). It is being conducted via private company CzechTravelAgency under the auspices of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Kingdom of Thailand and with support of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department
, Thai Ecotourism and Adventure Travel Association, Foundation of Western Forest Complex Conservation and Tourism Promotion Society of Kanchanaburi.

Webdesign and photographs by David Kučera.

For more information write to us at info{at}westernforest[dot]org
Wild plants - infinite variety of colours and fragrances Mystic fog - the breath of jungle Beautiful waterfalls - source of water for Thailand One of the last habitats of beasts of prey Abundant Wildlife Colourful blossoms - endless inspiration


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

The project is funded by the Government of the Czech Republic (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and conducted with support of the National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department (DNP), Thai Ecotourism and Adventure Travel Association (TEATA), Foundation of Western Forest Complex Conservation (FWFCC) and Tourism Promotion Society of Kanchanaburi (TSK). For more information write to us at info[at]westernforest[dot]org. Webdesign and photographs by David Kučera. Translation to Thai by Kris Dhiradityakul.

National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department